Conversation 177: The next chapter in the Archer Materials story. (Copy)
Conversation 177: The next chapter in the Archer Materials story. Archer Materials CEO Mohammad Choucair is a smart cookie. Not only has he played a major role in the invention of breakthrough materials like synthetic graphene but he also gets the stock market. In the tech world, this combination of share market savvy and high level technical expertise is rare. Despite his “on-paper” nerdiness, he comes across more like an account executive at a global ad agency (that’s a compliment!), than the CEO of a company trying to disrupt quantum computing, energy storage and biosensor industries.
Archer Materials CEO Mohammad Choucair is a smart cookie.
Not only has he played a major role in the invention of breakthrough materials like synthetic graphene but he also gets the stock market.
In the tech world, this combination of share market savvy and high level technical expertise is rare.
Despite his “on-paper” nerdiness, he comes across more like an account executive at a global ad agency (that’s a compliment!), than the CEO of a company trying to disrupt quantum computing, energy storage and biosensor industries.
Conversation 157: This stock has risen by 600% in 12 months. Why? (Copy)
Archer Materials is a technology company developing materials in quantum computing, biotechnology, and lithium-ion batteries, and exploring for minerals in Australia.
In particular Archer is working with IBM to develop a quantum computer processor that can operate at room temperature and that would be a big deal because Archer Materials is a technology company developing materials in quantum computing, biotechnology, and lithium-ion batteries, and exploring for minerals in Australia.
It is one of the few stocks that give you the chance to invest in quantum computing…..
Why Archer Materials mineral division find has a high tech angle.
It all begins with an idea.
Microscopy and microanalysis have confirm the presence of halloysite at Archer Materials Eyre Peninsula mineral prospects for the first time.
Kaolin and halloysite are alumina-based clays, that can naturally occur intermixed, and are part of a larger A$3 billion construction materials industry in Australia.
These materials have recently emerged as a potential feedstock in processing high-value and hard-to-substitute high- purity alumina (HPA)‡ that could be used in deep-tech applications such as light-emitting diodes and lithium-ion batteries; with halloysite having a nanostructure that may allow its use as an efficient catalyst in the petrochemicals industry.
Archer is a materials technology company developing materials in quantum computing, biotechnology, and lithium-ion batteries, and exploring for minerals in Australia. The Company has strong intellectual property, broad-scope mineral tenements, world-class in-house expertise, a diverse advanced materials inventory, and access to over $300 million of R&D infrastructure.
Inside Market recently spoke with the CEO of Archer for a deep dive into the company, and its potential.
You will also get immediate access to analyst’s assessments of this and many other tech companies.
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Private Conversation 178: What is a circular economy and why does it matter?
It all begins with an idea.
Security Matters [ASX:SMX] is one of a number of companies working trying to help create a circular economy.
In Private Conversation 178, we explore what a circular economy is, if there is money to be made out of it and where Security Matters is in the development of its offering.